Saturday, February 1, 2014

Trust Him in Every Situation

J.A. Matteson

To sojourn with Jesus is to be awakened to that which He ordained for you before the foundation of the world. "This took place to fulfill what was spoken...." (Matt. 21:4). Too often we misinterpret events as unrelated to our sanctification, when in reality all things bare directly upon it (1 Thess. 4:3). Before you took your first breath all your days were lovingly crafted by your Heavenly Father to present you to the Son of God acceptable and perfect when you meet your Lord face to face in heaven (Ps. 139:16). Knowing it is written that each day of our lives are ordained, and that as a child of God our circumstances are engineered to bring about our sanctification, we may continue along our pilgrim pathway with confidence, knowing that all of God's revealed promises in His word are "yes" for those in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 1:20). How easy it is for us to get bogged down in the minucia of our daily experience, burdened over this, anxious over that, taking our focus off the entirety of the tapestry of our lives God is weaving together. We focus on the individual knots as the rug is weaved, God's attention is on the completed product. We stir over His means while He lovingly pursues His end. It is not God's will that His children be filled with fear and anxiety, but that they rest moment by moment in Him (Matt. 11:28). In this regard you may embrace each day, every trial, all temptations and storms as ordained by God to further your sanctification. You may trust Him in every situation, even when you do not understand. Interpret the situation in light of His end, your sanctification. In it He will walk with you, never leaving nor forsaking you (Heb. 13:5). He may not directly cause trying circumstances, but may allow secondary causes to bring them about. And in the midst of them you also know with absolute certainty, for it is written, that He has your welfare in mind (Rom. 8:28). "All things," these are the knots in the tapestry of your life experience God has ordained for you. "Work together for good", this is the beautiful end product of your sanctification God will complete (Phil. 1:6). Rest, beloved, in knowing that whatsoever comes to pass in your life this day it is to fulfill that which has been spoken, your sanctification.

Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8