J.A. Matteson
To be used as a redemptive instrument of God through the Gospel is a natural effect of our abiding; too often we confuse evangelism and discipleship as being an act we perform. "I am with you always" (Matt. 28:20). In every occasion and location Jesus is with you, in you, and the intimacy of your relationship with Him is the foundation of effective ministry (Col. 1:27). If your paradymn of witnessing and discipleship is rooted in anything other than your relationship with Jesus Christ your activities will disappoint those you seek to influence, because you have yet to be influenced by the Spirit of Christ yourself (Jude 1:12); come to Him first, abide with Him, then you will hear clearly how to reach and build others up in Christ (Acts 8:29). We cannot impart what we do not posses, and a sincere inner intimacy with Jesus Christ is the quickening agent God uses to awaken the dead (Acts 4:13). To be greatly used of Jesus Christ in fulfilling His commission demands we first spend much time with Him and remain with Him as we move through the unique providential settings He engineers daily. With spiritual eyes open, in a perpetual state of inner prayer, Jesus Christ will reveal to you where He is working, gently illumining your awareness as He is speaks to you in each setting; get ready for His directive, obey immediately and completely (1 Sam. 3:10), and you will be empowered by His Spirit in that moment to fulfill what He purposed in eternity concerning the person with whom you are interacting, to the praise of His glorious name.
Copyright © 2014 Immutable Word Ministries ("…the word of our God stands forever.") Isa. 40:8