Friday, February 14, 2014

Godly Sorrow for Sin

J.A. Matteson

Sin exposes the true spiritual state of the soul, its response to it being either a worldly remorse terminating in satanic condemnation or a godly repentance leading to eternal life. "...he went away and hanged himself" (Matt. 27:5). Peter and Judas both sinned against the Lord Jesus Christ, yet their responses to their errors was notably different and illustrates clearly the difference between the redeemed and the reprobate (Matt. 7:20). Both men upon realization of their sin are said to have "gone out" to a solitary place. But that is where the similarity between these two men ends. The Holy Spirit within the children of a God convicts of sin, redeems from bondage, restores to holiness, and in all ways makes the heart joyful and glad. The focus of conviction leading to godly grief is in the absolute horror and disgust in the sin that so easily entangles us (Heb. 12:1); the aim of the Spirit is the condemnation of sin, not the sinner redeemed from it (Rom. 8:1). The outcome of godly conviction is always towards life and further growth in grace (Jn. 15:2), bringing to fruition the promise of redemption of the elect, sealed by their great confession of faith (Eph. 1:13), which God in eternity purposed in accordance with His good pleasure, loosing none (Jn. 10:28), but bringing to glory all those foreknown to Him (Rom. 8:30). The fruit of worldly sorrow is markedly different, for its fruit is satanicly inspired, the bitter condemnation from the prince of darkness emanating in the putrid depths of hell. Its focus is antithetical to life, death is its aim, eternal misery its outcome. The spirit of worldly condemnation compels the wretched soul toward its master, satan, the father of lies. The Spirit of godly conviction compels the blessed redeemed toward the lover of their souls, the Lord Jesus Christ. O how wonderful is the godly sorrow for sin in the children of God, and how awful is the worldly spirit of condemnation in the offspring of the devil who do not hear the sweet invitation of salvation found in the Lord Jesus Christ (Jn. 10:26).

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