Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Of No Consequence

J.A. Matteson

To be noticed by men for good works or to be in a position of honor among the saints is not sin. Seeking to be noticed by others or coveting position in order to be honored by men is pride, that is sinful. "But they do all their deeds to be noticed by men" (Matt. 23:5). Oh how subtle is the flesh and Devil to draw saints into this temptation. To desire that others speak well of you, to desire validation of you efforts and to inwardly feel misused when "Thank you" or "Well done" is absent. Develop the habit of not looking back for approval or praise. Refrain from searching out sources and places where others may express their opinion of you as to your ministry. It should be of no consequence to you how others view your ministry when all that you do is done for the glory of God (Col. 3:23). The intent of our heart should be pleasing Jesus Christ, to go unnoticed by men in ministry, decreasing that He might increase, in secret laying out the intent of your heart before Him (Matt. 6:1-4). Cut away all things that draw your attention to yourself before men. Starve the remnant of human pride until all that remains in view is Jesus Christ lifted up.

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