J.A. Matteson
The revealed word is clear, yet some persist in contentious debates about it, brashly and ignorantly denying the truth of God's effectual call to His elect. "knowing, brethren beloved by God, His choice of you; for our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit with full conviction" (1 Thess. 1:4-5). There can be no conversion without conviction by the Spirit because in the natural realm conviction of soul is impossible to the spiritually dead. Conviction implies there is life, and spiritual life is not possible apart from regeneration. Regeneration is a supernatural event and finds its initiative and power in God. The gospel is preached to two men, one man experiences conviction leading to conversion and the other is unphazed. To account for this the humanist insists both men came under conviction by the Spirit, one man chose wisely by confessing Christ and the other chose foolishly by denying Him. But that assessment contradicts the apostle and grossly distorts the grace of God but defining it as something one merits through volitional choices. The gospel of grace, according to the apostle, is that God's elect are eternally loved by Him, and in the fullness of time He regenerates their dead spirits, effectually calling them to salvation, convicting them through the gospel; to the elect the Spirit brings conviction of sin leading to conversion, to the reprobate the Spirit passes over them, not bringing the power of conviction. Some might protest, "That's not fair!" It certainly is not equal. Is there injustice with God? Absolutely not! What can be said of these things? One man receives grace while the other receives justice. Neither man receives injustice. The children of God love Him because He first loved them and called them to salvation. Where is boasting? It is eliminated. To the praise of His glorious name.
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