Monday, October 14, 2013

The Joy in the Journey

J.A. Matteson

A particular providence intersects your experience and with joy you discern the hand of God in you good fortune. Be careful that you do not allow past providences to codify in your thinking future ones as the LORD typically operates in your life uniquely. "Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past" (Isa. 43:18). Markers of the past are worthy of remembrance as they strengthen faith. Yet they are not necessarily indicative of what God may do tomorrow. Be careful not to idolize the past providence; rather, worship the God of the providence. Moses had one burning bush experience and Joshua one Jericho, and yet the LORD continued His work in their midst. The key is to be watchful. Persist in your expectation of God's personal dealings but abandon your notion that the past will light the way in your present circumstances. If you insist in history repeating itself you may miss the providence in the present. The joy in the journey exceeds merely recognizing how the LORD may choose to act, but in awe beholding the reality that He acts for good in our lives at all. The LORD is eternal and unlimited are the ways in which He may choose to operate in your life. Always be seeking and asking, "Lord, what have we here?", all such dependence is pleasing in His sight.

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