Friday, October 4, 2013

Intercession for the Saints


The manor and frequency of our intercession for the saints reflects our maturity in understanding spiritual realities. "be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints" (Eph. 6:18). Abiding branches are fused with life flowing graces, a Spirit directed burden for the saints being foundational. It is impossible to be abiding in Christ, producing much fruit, yet not continually be burdened for the welfare of the saints, as it is the Spirit who directs the heart of His people in accordance to the will of God. You may consider yourself spiritually mature, yet if your heart is cold or indifferent to the plight of the saints near and far, something is out of kilter. We may convince ourselves that our abiding is intimate, but the burden of our heart, evidenced by the fruit of our prayer life, reveals the true nature of our abiding. To abide closely with Christ is to have the mind of Christ, and the affections of Christ are continually directed to the mission and well being of the saints. When the Spirit quickens your heart to a deficit area in your abiding, such as intercessory prayer for the saints, be prompt to listen and obey. As you intercede for brethren you may not personally know, rejoice, for they in turn are interceding for you, that in all things and through all things Christ may reign supreme, and that the love of Christ, through His body, may proclaim the riches of His grace to those who walk darkness, that they may hear with their ears and see with their eyes the beauty and majesty of the cross, and the Lamb who was slain and now is seated at the right hand of the Father, highly exalted, enthroned above every authority and principality, to the praise of His wonderful name.

Copyright (c) 2013 Immutable Word Ministries ("...the word of our God stands forever." Isa. 40:8)